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Showing posts from January, 2023

Slideshow / Carousel

  A slideshow is used to cycle through elements: Create A Slideshow Step 1) Add HTML: <!-- Slideshow container --> < div  class ="slideshow-container" >    <!-- Full-width images with number and caption text -->    < div  class ="mySlides fade" >      < div  class ="numbertext" > 1 / 3 < /div >      < img  src ="img1.jpg"  style ="width:100%" >      < div  class ="text" > Caption Text < /div >    < /div >    < div  class ="mySlides fade" >      < div  class ="numbertext" > 2 / 3 < /div >      < img  src ="img2.jpg"  style ="width:100%" >      < div  class ="text" > Caption Two < /div >    < /div >    < div  class ="mySlides fade" >      < div  class ="numbertext" > 3 / 3 < /div >      < img  src ="img3.jpg"  style ="width: