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Showing posts from December, 2022

Autoplay carousel WITH HTML LANGUAGE

  Autoplay carousel HTML  < div id = " carousel " > < div id = " slide-container " > < div class = " slide " data-slideIndex = " 0 " > < div class = " slide-banner " > Tour the Empire State Building! < a href = " " > Buy tickets now. </ a > </ div > < img width = " 1200 " height = " 600 " src = " ./newyork.jpg " > </ div > < div class = " slide " data-slideIndex = " 1 " > < div class = " slide-banner " > Ride the Shinkansen! < a href = " " > Buy tickets now. </ a > </ div > < img width = " 1200 " height = " 600 " src = " ./tokyo.jpg " > </ div > < div class = " slide " data-slideIndex = " 2 " > < div class = " slide-bann


                                                                                                 SWITCH BUTTON WITH HTML < label for = " switch-1 " class = " gui-switch " > Default < input type = " checkbox " role = " switch " id = " switch-1 " > </ label > < label for = " switch-2 " class = " gui-switch " > Indeterminate < input type = " checkbox " role = " switch " id = " switch-2 " > < script > document . getElementById ( 'switch-2' ) . indeterminate = true </ script > </ label > < label for = " switch-3 " class = " gui-switch " > Disabled < input type = " checkbox " role = " switch " id = " switch-3 " disabled > </ label > < label for = " switch-4 " class = " gui-switch " > Disabled (chec